Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Job Hunting Resources

With the rise in unemployment we thought it would be helpful for our customers who find themselves in the position of looking for a new job to have a listing of internet resources in one place that they can use as a reference. For example, we stumbled upon this great e-book by Gen Y career guru Heather Huhman that serves as a great guide to snagging that perfect gig. Our full list is below, but understand that it is in no way represented as being a complete list, since there are many local resources and agencies available that would be too numerous to mention.

In the following list, please find links that you may find helpful in your hunt for a new job. Ink retailer Carrot Ink ( is not affiliated with any of these sites, nor do we endorse or accept any responsibility for their accuracy or content. - Specializes in job relocation. Offers industry specific job search and access to recruiters. - Offers industry and location specific job search. You may also search by company and experience. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Also offers career advice and resources and will e-mail you jobs that match your interests. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Also offers career news and blog as well as multiple web links. - Offers industry, experience and location specific job search. Also offers career/interview advice and newsletter. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Features company profiles and career resources. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Lists featured employers, job fairs and will e-mail you jobs that match your interests. Multiple quick links listed. - Specializes in IT/computer careers. Offers industry, experience and location specific job search. – Specializes in the tech industry. Browse jobs by location or skill. Lists featured employers and career fairs. - Specializes in engineering careers. Browse jobs by company and access to recruiters. - Geared to college students and young professionals. Offers industry and location specific job search. Features networking and career guidance links. - Specializes in Federal careers. Offers industry and location specific job search. Also features career chat and newsletter. - Specializes in legal careers. Offers industry and location specific job search. Multiple industry links. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Also offers career advice and will e-mail you jobs that match your interests. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Features career articles, now hiring and resume and interviewing tips. - Specializes in the tech industry. Multiple links to educational and training resources. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Lists featured jobs in your area and offers career advice. Will e-mail you jobs that match your interests. - Specializes in medical careers. Offers industry and location specific job search. Lists featured employers and most recent jobs. - Specializes in marketing and sales careers. Offers industry and location specific job search. Lists multiple free career resources and has access to recruiters. - Offers industry and location specific job search. List job fairs, resume help, continuing education and featured jobs and employers. - Specializes in careers for Spanish and Portuguese speaking professionals. Offers industry and location specific job search. Lists job fairs and has newsletter. - Features multiple links to federal and government jobs. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Lists featured jobs in your area. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Multiple links to various other career websites. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Also offers salary calculator. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Also offers multiple job seeker resources and resume and interviewing tips. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Lists featured employers, relocation and educational information. Will e-mail you jobs that match your interests. - Build your profile/resume online throught their site. Will e-mail you jobs that match your interests. - Specializes in careers that offer 100K+ in salary. Offers industry, job title, and specific location job search. Lists most recent job postings. - Lists multiple links to various other career websites. Also offers many links for resume and cover letter advice/help. - Specializes in careers within the tri state area. Offers industry and location specific job search. Also offers resume center and career assistance. - Specializes in telecommuting careers. Offers links to industry careers and resume help. - Specializes in executive careers. Offers industry and location specific job search. Lists job of the day, entrepreneur opportunities and career advice. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Lists most recent area jobs. - Specializes in science industry careers. Offers industry and location specific job search. - Specializes in teacher and education industry careers. Offers industry and location specific job search. - Offers industry and location specific job search. Also offers access to recruiters. - Lists multiple links to various other career websites. - Specializes in temporary/temp to hire positions. Offers industry and location specific job search. Also offers newsletter and free career resources. - Specializes in executive careers. Offers industry and location specific job search. Also offers newsletter and blog. Will e-mail you jobs that match your interests. - Lists multiple links to various other career websites.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea!
Thank you for thinking of all of those that are out of work, due to no fault of their own!
I am teaching a job search class at your church, I will use this and pass it along!
You may want to add this is what they say about themselves: Simply Hired is a vertical search engine company based in Silicon Valley, and we're building the largest online database of jobs on the planet. Our goal is to make finding your next job a simple yet effective, enjoyable journey.
Orlando, FL