Friday, April 17, 2009

Unemployment Sucks!

The recent unemployment rates have topped 8% and those in the “know” are afraid they will reach 10% by this summer. It is at the point where either you or people you know are unemployed. Well, I’ve been there and I can tell you that unemployment SUCKS!

In my case, I was 47 the FIRST time I was unemployed. Up to that point, I had always felt in charge of my life and could parlay my experience into a better paying job every couple of years to move up the ladder of success. What did I do wrong? Well, I happened to be an executive at a company that got bought out by a company that already had their own executives, causing me to be redundant. Sadly, I’m not the only one. There are millions of people that succumb to this and other unfortunate circumstances every day. And as they tell you, “it’s not personal, it’s business”.

Your life does not and should not stop there. So, I managed to distill a few things that I would like to share and emphasize to anyone who may be unemployed for the first time.

  • NETWORK, Network, network! Whether you like to network or not, statistics show that over 95% of people find new jobs through someone they know or with whom they are acquainted. Don’t be proud and don’t sound desperate, just tell everyone you know that you are looking for a job.

  • Some argue that you should not settle for the first thing that comes along. In this job market, I say take what you can get. Even if it is a lot less than what you used to make, or it isn’t the right industry or whatever other excuses you come up with. If it is a job you can build upon, or even start over, then great. If not, use it as a spring board to stand on, until the right one comes along. And don’t get caught up in the thinking that if you take any old job, that it will detract from your job hunting time. Keep in mind you may meet people who will help you find that perfect job. And if you hate it enough, it will inspire you to look even harder!

  • Don’t feel sorry for yourself! After a few interviews and no job offers, there is a good chance that you will start feeling a bit down. It goes something like this: “It isn’t fair! Why did this happen to me? Nobody wants me!” You are absolutely right. It isn’t fair and in case you didn’t know, life is not fair. You are right in wondering why this happened to you, but take some solace in knowing that you are not alone, and there is a reason for everything in your life. You may not be able to see it now, but you will see it one day with the clarity of hindsight. But most importantly, somebody does want you and actually NEEDS you. Your task is to find each other.

  • Stay upbeat and positive, even though you don’t feel like it all the time. As they say, when one door closes another door opens, and sometimes those doors are connected by a long hallway. While you are in that hallway, you can learn a lot about yourself and when you get to the other end, you may find more than one door to open.

  • And most important of all, don’t forget to pray. Pray to the one God of your faith or the Supreme Being or The Source or however you think of God. Let Him know you need help. Like a mother whose baby is crying to be fed, God will not let you suffer. But you must be open to the answer you receive. It may not be what you expected.

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